Book Bits: 04 January 2025
By purchasing books through this site, you provide support for The Capital Spectator’s free content… Such systems, characterised by emergent properties arising from interactions, are defined as complex… This Element delves into the complexity approach, portraying the economy as an evolving sy…
● Prop Trading Secrets: How Successful Traders are Living off the Markets
Kathy Lien and Etienne Crete
Summary via publisher (Wiley)
In Prop Trading Secrets of Successful Funded Traders: How Individual Traders are using Proprietary Trading to Achieve Financial Freedom, Kathy Lien, author and managing director of FX strategy at BK Asset Management, and Etienne Crete, full-time trader and founder of Desire to Trade, deliver a collection of 14 revealing interviews with proprietary traders successfully making a living off the markets. You’ll explore insights from veteran traders with over 10 years’ experience in the markets, winners of a variety of trading championships, and contemporary prop traders using methods like funded accounts to trade other people’s money.
● Complexity in Economics
Edited by Giacomo Gallegati, et al.
Summary via publisher (Cambridge U. Press)
Neoclassical economics is heavily based on a formalistic method, primarily centred on mathematical deduction. Consequently, mainstream economists became overfocused on describing the states of an economy rather than understanding the processes driving these states. However, many phenomena arise from the intricate interactions among diverse elements, eluding explanation solely through micro-level rules. Such systems, characterised by emergent properties arising from interactions, are defined as complex. This Element delves into the complexity approach, portraying the economy as an evolving system undergoing structural changes over time.
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Author: James Picerno