Macro Briefing: 6 August 2024

TutoSartup excerpt from this article:
* Biden convenes national security team amid fears of Iran attack on Israel * US economy is starting to look “pre-recessionary”: Krugman * Will the Fed announce an emergency rate cut? Unlikely, predict analysts, history * ISM Services Index rebounds in July, showing key US sector strengthening *…

* Biden convenes national security team amid fears of Iran attack on Israel
* US economy is starting to look “pre-recessionary”: Krugman
* Will the Fed announce an emergency rate cut? Unlikely, predict analysts, history
* ISM Services Index rebounds in July, showing key US sector strengthening
* Global economic growth eases for second month in July via PMI survey data
* US output expands “solidly” in July via Composite PMI Index, a GDP proxy:

Has a US recession started? Several key indicators suggest otherwise, notes The Wall Street Journal. Non-farm payrolls, real personal income and industrial production are still posting a growth bias in the latest comparisons — in contrast with downside comparisons in previous downturns.

Macro Briefing: 6 August 2024
Author: James Picerno