Using Amazon Detective for IAM investigations

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Amazon Detective includes Detective Investigation, a feature that you can use to investigate IAM users and roles to help you determine if a resource is involved in a security event and obtain an in-depth analysis… Detective Investigation can help determine if IAM entities have potentially been c…

Uncovering  AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles potentially involved in a security event can be a complex task, requiring security analysts to gather and analyze data from various sources, and determine the full scope of affected resources.

Amazon Detective includes Detective Investigation, a feature that you can use to investigate IAM users and roles to help you determine if a resource is involved in a security event and obtain an in-depth analysis. It automatically analyzes resources in your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment using machine learning and threat intelligence to identify potential indicators of compromise (IoCs) or suspicious activity. This allows analysts to identify patterns and identify which resources are impacted by security events, offering a proactive approach to threat identification and mitigation. Detective Investigation can help determine if IAM entities have potentially been compromised or involved in known tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, a well adopted framework for security and threat detection. MITRE TTPs are the terms used to describe the behaviors, processes, actions, and strategies used by threat actors engaged in cyberattacks.

In this post, I show you how to use Detective Investigation and how to interpret and use the information provided from an IAM investigation.


The following are the prerequisites to follow along with this post:

Use Detective Investigation to investigate IAM users and roles

To get started with an investigation, sign in to the console. The walkthrough uses three scenarios:

  1. Automated investigations
  2. Investigator persona
  3. Threat hunter persona

In addition to Detective, some of these scenarios also use Amazon GuardDuty, which is an intelligent threat detection service.

Scenario 1: Automated investigations

Automatic investigations are available in Detective. Detective only displays investigation information when you’re running an investigation. You can use the Detective console to see the number of IAM roles and users that were impacted by security events over a set period. In addition to the console, you can use the StartInvestigation API to initiate a remediation workflow or collect information about IAM entities involved or AWS resources compromised.

The Detective summary dashboard, shown in Figure 1, automatically shows you the number of critical investigations, high investigations, and the number of IAM roles and users found in suspicious activities over a period of time. Detective Investigation uses machine learning models and threat intelligence to surface only the most critical issues, allowing you to focus on high-level investigations. It automatically analyzes resources in your AWS environment to identify potential indicators of compromise or suspicious activity.

To get to the dashboard using the Detective console, choose Summary from the navigation pane.

Figure 1: AWS roles and users impacted by a security event

Figure 1: AWS roles and users impacted by a security event

Note: If you don’t have automatic investigations listed in Detective, the View active investigations link won’t display any information. To run a manual investigation, follow the steps in Running a Detective Investigation using the console or API.

If you have an active automatic investigation, choose View active investigations on the Summary dashboard to go to the Investigations page (shown in Figure 2), which shows potential security events identified by Detective. You can select a specific investigation to view additional details in the investigations report summary.

Figure 2: Active investigations that are related to IAM entities

Figure 2: Active investigations that are related to IAM entities

Select a report ID to view its details. Figure 3 shows the details of the selected event under Indicators of compromise along with the AWS role that was involved, period of time, role name, and the recommended mitigation action. The indicators of compromise list includes observed tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, flagged IP addresses involved in potential compromise (if any), impossible travel under the indicators, and the finding group. You can continue your investigation by selecting and reviewing the details of each item from the list of indicators of compromise.

Figure 3: Summary of the selected investigation

Figure 3: Summary of the selected investigation

Figure 4 shows the lower portion of the selected investigation. Detective maps the investigations to TTPs from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. TTPs are classified according to their severity. The console shows the techniques and actions used. When selecting a specific TTP, you can see the details in the right pane. In this example, the valid cloud credential has IP addresses involved in 34 successful API call attempts.

Figure 4: TTP mappings

Figure 4: TTP mappings

Scenario 2: Investigator persona

For this scenario, you have triaged the resources associated with a GuardDuty finding informing you that an IAM user or role has been identified in an anomalous behavior. You need to investigate and analyze the impact this security issue might have had on other resources and ensure that nothing else needs to be remediated.

The example for this use case starts by going to the GuardDuty console and choosing Findings from the navigation pane, selecting a GuardDuty IAM finding, and then choosing the Investigate with Detective link.

Figure 5: List of findings in GuardDuty

Figure 5: List of findings in GuardDuty

Let’s now investigate an IAM user associated with the GuardDuty finding. As shown in Figure 6, you have multiple options for pivoting to Detective, such as the GuardDuty finding itself, the AWS account, the role session, and the internal and external IP addresses.

Figure 6: Options for pivoting to Detective

Figure 6: Options for pivoting to Detective

From the list of Detective options, you can choose Role session, which will help you investigate the IAM role session that was in use when the GuardDuty finding was created. Figure 7 shows the IAM role session page.

Before moving on to the next section, you would scroll down to Resources affected in the GuardDuty finding details panel on the right side of the screen and take note of the Principal ID.

Figure 7: IAM role session page in Detective

Figure 7: IAM role session page in Detective

A role session consists of an instantiation of an IAM role and the associated set of short-term credentials. A role session involves the following:

When investigating a role session, consider the following questions:

  • How long has the role been active?
  • Is the role routinely used?
  • Has activity changed over that use?
  • Was the role assumed by multiple users?
  • Was it assumed by a large number of users? A narrowly used role session might guide your investigation differently from a role session with overlapping use.

You can use the principal ID to get more in-depth details using the Detective search function. Figure 8 shows the search results of an IAM role’s details. To use the search function, choose Search from the navigation pane, select Role session as the type, and enter an exact identifier or identifier with wildcard characters to search for. Note that the search is case sensitive.

When you select the assumed role link, additional information about the IAM role will be displayed, helping to verify if the role has been involved in suspicious activities.

Figure 8: Results of an IAM role details search

Figure 8: Results of an IAM role details search

Figure 9 shows other findings related to the role. This information is displayed by choosing the Assumed Role link in the search results.

Now you should see a new screen with information specific to the role entity that you selected. Look through the role information and gather evidence that would be important to you if you were investigating this security issue.

Were there other findings associated to the role? Was there newly observed activity during this time in terms of new behavior? Were there resource interaction associated with the role? What permissions did this role have?

Figure 9: Other findings related to the role

Figure 9: Other findings related to the role

In this scenario, you used Detective to investigate an IAM role session. The information that you have gathered about the security findings will help give you a better understanding of other resources that need to be remediated, how to remediate, permissions that need to be scoped down, and root cause analysis insight to include in your action reports.

Scenario 3: Threat hunter persona

Another use case is to aid in threat hunting (searching) activities. In this scenario, suspicious activity has been detected in your organization and you need to find out what resources (that is, what IAM entities) have been communicating with a command-and-control IP address. You can check from the Detective summary page for roles and users with the highest API call volume, which automatically lists the IAM roles and users that were impacted by security events over a set time scope, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Roles and users with the highest API call volume

Figure 10: Roles and users with the highest API call volume

From the list of Principal (role or user) options, choose the user or role that you find interesting based on the data presented. Things to consider when choosing the role or user to examine:

  • Is there a role with a large amount of failed API calls?
  • Is there a role with an unusual data trend?

After choosing a role from the DetectiveSummary page, you’re taken to the role overview page. Scroll down to the Overall API call volume section to view the overall volume of API calls issued by the resource during the scope time. Detective presents this information to you in a graphical interface without the need to create complex queries.

Figure 11: Graph showing API call volume

Figure 11: Graph showing API call volume

In the Overall API call volume, choose the display details for time scope button at the bottom of the section to search through the observed IP addresses, API method by service, and resource.

Figure 12: <strong>Overall API call volume</strong> during the specified scope time

Figure 12: Overall API call volume during the specified scope time

To see the details for a specific IP address, use the Overall API call volume panel to search through different locations and to determine where the failed API calls came from. Select an IP address to get more granular details (as shown in Figure 13). When looking through this information, think about what this might tell you in your own environment.

  • Do you know who normally uses this role?
  • What is this role used for?
  • Should this role be making calls from various geolocations?
Figure 13: Granular details for the selected IP address

Figure 13: Granular details for the selected IP address

In this scenario, you used Detective to review potentially suspicious activity in your environment related to information assumed to be malicious. If adversaries have assumed the same role with different session names, this gives you more information about how this IAM role was used. If you find information related to the suspicious resources in question, you should conduct a formal search according to your internal incident response playbooks.


In this blog post, I walked you through how to investigate IAM entities (IAM users or rules) using Amazon Detective. You saw different scenarios on how to investigate IAM entities involved in a security event. You also learned about the Detective investigations for IAM feature, which you can use to automatically investigate IAM entities for indicators of compromise (IOCs), helping security analysts determine whether IAM entities have potentially been compromised or involved in known TTPs from the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

There’s no additional charge for this capability, and it’s available today for existing and new Detective customers in AWS Regions that support Detective. If you don’t currently use Detective, you can start a free 30-day trial. For more information about Detective investigations, see Detective Investigation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Ahmed Adekunle Ahmed Adekunle
Ahmed is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on detection and response services at AWS. Before AWS, his background was in business process management and AWS tech consulting, helping customers use cloud technology to transform their business. Outside of work, Ahmed enjoys playing soccer, supporting less privileged activities, traveling, and eating spicy food, specifically African cuisine.
Using Amazon Detective for IAM investigations
Author: Ahmed Adekunle